Monday 30 March 2020

Greetings Students and Parents of Division 4!

I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well as we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the unusual circumstances in which we are currently living.

In an effort to make it easier to communicate and share important information regarding on-going learning for students, and the ways in which parents can provide support, I have set up this blog. Here, you will find updates about how I will engage with you, so that we can all continue to engage in learning.

In addition to updates, I will also post links to helpful resources and website. You will also be able to translate the page into another language using the "Translate" option, and locate older posts under the "Blog Archive" heading.

If you have not already had the opportunity to read the latest letter home to parents, you can find it on the school's website underneath the "News and Other" heading and clicking "Newsletters." You can also access it by clicking here.

As mentioned in the letter, the priority during this first week of off-site learning will be to establish communication with parents and students. Therefore, this week I will be attempting to touch base with you all via e-mail, or by phone. If you could respond to the message I send you so that I know you received it, that would be much appreciated.

While I am sure many of you will have additional questions, we are continuing to explore effective ways to teach and learn remotely in these conditions. I will be happy to answer questions in due time when I have more concrete information to share.

Students, you are encouraged to check your student e-mails through the district website, entering the username and four-digit password that begins with a "." that you would use to access your FreshGrade account (ex. username: j.smith / password: .0001).

As we move forward, I will primarily be using FreshGrade alongside this blog to communicate with you for the immediate future, so please bookmark these sites and try to check them at least once a day after 3 PM.

If you need to reach me, you can do so via e-mail here.

Thank you, and take care.