Friday 22 May 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Good morning, everyone.


Daily meetings are held from 11:30-12:00 in the "Daily Reading and Writing Tasks" channel on Teams to go over the day's assignments. Recordings of these meetings will be available for review in that same channel shortly afterwards.

Weekly group meetings to discuss last week's financial literacy questions occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Click here for your group and scheduled time.

This week, be sure to submit all assignments under the "May 19 - May 22" activity on FreshGrade.


1. Monthly News Article:


Take a good look at the political comic. After reading, answer the questions by either downloading and editing the page, writing your answers on a separate piece of paper, or typing them out in a word document. Upload your answers to FreshGrade.

2. Poetry

Each week we are going to learn about a new type of poem. Complete each daily task so that you are ready to create the best possible poem that you can at the end of the week.


There are several ways to write an acrostic poem. It can be a list, with a different item or characteristic (trait) on each line. See the example below. "Emma" is a list poem made up of phrases; "Tarzan" is a list poem made up of single words. Or, and acrostic poem can comprise a statement or question that works its way through the poem, as in the examples "Cat" and "Trash."

Today, you will create a good copy of your poem. You will need to color and add illustrations. Try to include drawings of things related to the theme of your poem or details about you. See the example below. Upload your poem to FreshGrade by Monday evening.


3. Financial Literacy

What are some different ways you could save money when grocery shopping, or buying lunch?
Is there a significant difference between the cost of a "homemade lunch" versus a "restaurant bought" lunch? You may have to do some research to answer this question.

Write down your answers to the daily question and save them. We will discuss these during next week’s scheduled Teams meetings.

4. Origami

Free choice! Choose your own origami design (one that we haven't done already) from a video or elsewhere. Practice it each day, and upload a short video to FreshGrade on Friday of you making it. Be sure to tell me what your design is.

5. Epic!

Read for at least 30 minutes.

6. Typing Club.

Practice for 20 minutes.