Tuesday 7 April 2020

Good afternoon Parents and Students,

By the end of today, students will hopefully have completed the following:

1. Submitted their letter introducing themselves to another student for the Great Canadian Mail Race.

2. Read two articles from the Scholastic Learn at Home Website – one for Week 1, Day 1 and one for Week 1, Day 2 – and completed an activity for each one from the “Daily Reading Quests” lists. I have not asked you to submit any of these yet, but you should still be completing one per day.

3. Read for a total of 60 minutes on Epic.

4. Signed into Microsoft Teams and posted a message in the Division 4 chat.

Students, it is important that you complete each daily assignment as you get into the habit of learning at home. You can usually complete them at the time of your choosing. Next week, I will be giving you more activities to do – you want to make sure you are ready for them.

I check the Microsoft Teams chat several times throughout the day, however the best time to ask me questions on there is between 10AM and 2PM every weekday. If you are in contact with others in the class who have not yet logged into Teams or are forgetting to check FreshGrade or mrdocksteader.blogspot.com for assignments, PLEASE remind them to do so.

Talk to you tomorrow, and take care.
It’s Tuesday morning, everyone!

By now, you should have handed in your first assignment – your letter telling another Grade 6 student about you. It was due yesterday at 3PM.

It seems that the FreshGrade website is having a difficult time keeping up with the increased number of users. If you cannot login to submit an assignment on time, don’t panic! Try later at night or earlier in the morning, and submit it when you can. If you cannot log onto FreshGrade, be sure to check mrdocksteader.blogspot.com.

Today, do the following:

Read a new article from the Scholastic Learn at Home website from Week 1, Day 2, and complete one of the activities from the list posted yesterday.

Read a book on Epic for 30 minutes. Parm, Portia, Khushpreet, and Prabhkaran all did this yesterday. Well done, you four!

If you haven’t already done so, log on to Microsoft Teams and say “Hi” in the chat.

Bye for now. Stay safe.