Thursday 11 June 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Good morning, everyone!

You have one very important task that I am hoping you will complete and submit by Friday:


I have attached pictures of the assignment below. You can also find these pictures on FreshGrade. Please do your best to answer the questions.

You can download and write on the pictures themselves and upload them to FreshGrade.

You can write your answers on a separate piece of paper and upload a picture of it to FreshGrade.

You can write your answers in word processing software and upload it to FreshGrade.

You can download the Word document from the Files section of our General or Mr. D. Speaks! chat channels on Microsoft Teams and upload it to FreshGrade.


Meetings will be held between 11:00 and 11:30 on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in the "Daily Reading and Writing Tasks" channel on Teams to go over the day's assignments. Recordings will be available for review in that same channel shortly afterwards, expect on Mondays and Tuesdays when they will be posted in the afternoon.

Designated, weekly group meetings to discuss the Financial Literacy questions will be held on Wednesdays at 10:00, 10:30, and 1:00 and Thursdays at 10:00 and 10:30. Please check the "Mr. D. Speaks!" channel of our Teams chat for group information.

This week, be sure to submit all assignments under the "June 8- June 12" activity on FreshGrade.

Today's tasks are:

1. Monthly News Article:


After reading, answer the following questions in complete sentences by either downloading and editing the page, writing your answers on a separate piece of paper, or typing them out in a word document. Upload your answers to FreshGrade.
2. Poetry

Each week we are going to learn about a new type of poem. Complete each daily task so that you are ready to create the best possible poem that you can at the end of the week.


A haiku is a three-line poem containing 17 syllables that attempts to paint a picture in your mind using words. Each line contains a specific number of syllables. The first line has five, the second has seven, and the third also has five. Read the examples below.

After reading the examples, answer the questions below. You can print out the page and fill it in, save a copy of it and edit it with your answers, or write your responses on a separate piece of paper. When finished, upload your answers to FreshGrade. If you require further clarification, be sure to check out the "Daily Reading and Writing Tasks" video for today found on the Teams channel.


3. Financial Literacy
How are taxes and tips calculated on restaurant purchases?

Write down your answers to the daily question and save them. We will discuss these during next week’s scheduled Teams meetings.

4. Origami

Paper Shirt:

Practice making it each day, and upload a short video to FreshGrade on Friday of you making it.

This design uses standard-size printer paper.

5. Epic!