Tuesday 14 April 2020

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable long weekend. I have added some new tasks for you to complete this week. I will also be posting the progress update on both FreshGrade and at mrdocksteader.blogspot.ca.

Also, I would like everyone to do their very best to log onto Microsoft Teams WEDNESDAY AT 10AM so we can hold our first short classroom meeting. This will be a trial run. Please do your best to attend.

This week’s tasks are:

1. Every day, choose one article to read and complete one Daily Reading Quest from the Week 2 section on the Scholastic Learn at Home: Grades 6-9 website. https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-6-9-week-2.html

2. Read at least 30 Minutes each day on Epic!

3. Every day, create 5 pieces of origami paper. You will likely need a ruler in order to do this. If you do not have one, you will have to do some problem solving in order to figure out what you can do to properly measure. I am having you do this to practice your skills of measuring and cutting, carefully observing and following directions, and in order to create paper that you will need in the future (so don’t throw it away!). Watch the video at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZY_pN3f3Ok

4. I have set up everyone with an account at Keyboard Club. It has lessons and games designed to help you improve your typing accuracy and speed. It could come in very handy for completing assignments and typing messages. You can also compete to try to be at the top of the leaderboard. Go here and log in with your district username and password to get started: http://nrmrd.typingclub.com

5. Log onto the Microsoft Teams website on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 at 10AM.


When you first visit the website, enter your student e-mail (your student username followed by @surreyschools.ca). You should be redirected to the Surrey Schools website, where you can log in using your district username and password.